News in Brief
NATO week brings seminars for government officials
On October 30, a three-day educational seminar began in Tbilisi as part of the “NATO week” event.
The seminar is organized by the European Center on Security Issues of the George Marshall Foundation.
Professors from the College of International Relations and the Marshall Center on Security Issues will deliver lectures to representatives of the Defense Ministry, parliament and other government departments.
Key issues in the seminars include the principles of NATO’s work, the expansion of the alliance and its role in fighting terrorism.
(Black Sea Press)
Labor Party demands ruling party be listed as international terrorist organization
The oppositional Labor Party is appealing to the US State Department to list the ruling National Movement party as an international terrorist organization, party leader Shalva Natelashvili announced at an October 30 press conference.
“Georgia has experienced a bloody storm, with the special services turning into criminal organizations which persecute civilians with terror and violence. The time has come to appeal to the US State Department with the request to list the United National Movement party as a terrorist organization,” Natelashvili declared.
The Labor leader’s announcement comes after opposition campaigners were assaulted by a mob of young local men in Zugdidi on October 28.
(Black Sea Press)
International Black Sea Action Day observed on October 31
October 31 was International Black Sea Action Day, the anniversary of the date in 1996 when six Black Sea countries—Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine—signed their Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea.
The plan was devised after research showed the environmental health of the Black Sea slipping over the decades.
(Black Sea Press)
Patriarch calls for calm from authorities and opposition
Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II called upon both the authorities and the opposition to keep their followers under control, as the capital readies itself for a mass protest on November 2.
“I appeal to you, the authorities of Georgia and representatives of the opposition, to show goodwill and do everything possible to keep the current situation under control and within constitutional frames,” read the Patriarch’s October 31 statement.
It is necessary to create a “precedent” of settling the country’s complex problems through civil and peaceful means, the statement continued.
“We must remember that our Motherland is behind us, and our actions first of all must be in the interests of the country,” the statement concludes.
(Black Sea Press)
Opposition coalition leaders meet to discuss November 2 rally
Opposition leaders met on October 31 to discuss the rally slated to begin at 2 p.m. on November 2 in front of Georgia’s parliament building.
The rally will be held under the slogan, “Georgia without a president.”
The opposition coalition, bringing together at least ten of the country’s opposition parties, is to hold earlier parliamentary elections in April 2008 and to release all ‘political prisoners.’
The opposition has predicted attendance of up to 100 000 Georgians from all around the country. (Black Sea Press)
Noghaideli pays official visit to Britain
Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli arrived in Britain on October 31, following an official visit to Austria.
Noghaideli was scheduled to hold a business lunch with EBRD president Jean Lemierre.
A conference entitled, “Invest in Georgia,” supported by the Financial Times magazine, was to be held the same day.
The prime minister’s next stop is the US, where he was to touch down on November 1. A roundtable in New York entitled, “Business activity and investing in Georgia,” organized by Dow Jones will be held November 5.
While in Vienna, Noghaideli participated in a similar roundtable.
(Prime News)

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