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Thursday, April 24 2008, #078 (1594)

Ex-minister wins political asylum in France

Ex-defense minister Irakli Okruashvili has won political asylum in France, his lawyers confirmed yesterday. (more)

Tbilisi awaits results of UN Security Council session on Abkhazia

Tbilisi downplayed expectations of a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Abkhazia yesterday, but emphasized that Georgia has international support for its objections to Russian action in the breakaway region. (more)

Dissident lawyer detained on drug charges

A high-profile lawyer was detained overnight on April 21 on drug charges, but his allies claim political motivations for the arrest. (more)

Words of the Day

The National Movement without Nino Burjanadze

Georgian politics has never been in want of twists and turns, but the shock of Parliamentary Speaker Nino Burjanadze leaving the ruling party can hardly be overstated. (more)

Georgian mineral water sales

As Russia talks about possibly lifting its embargo on Georgia, imposed in 2006, mineral water manufacturers are preparing for a potential boost in sales. (more)

MEP proposes Eastern European Union

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Ingo Friedrich recently floated the idea of an Eastern European Union which would be an “interim solution” to states seeking EU membership. (more)

Press Scanner

“Labor Party: We demand the National Movement be banned from the election campaign!” (more)

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