Major academic works published
By Salome Modebadze
Monday, December 22

“The presentation of The Georgian Alphabet is an important event. The book is a very serious academic work. We would like to thank Geocell for its support in publishing such a beautiful book with amazing paintings. I must also mention the important role of Cartu Bank and Arete in publishing the Encyclopaedia. What’s more, no books would have been issued without the Georgian Academy of Science. Tamaz Gamkrelidze gave us the best part of the Academy,” Abashidze stated.
The Main Scientific Editorial Office of Georgian Encyclopaedia is part of the Georgian Academy of Science. The Editorial Group of the Encyclopaedia, led by Zurab Abashidze, has been working on the project for several years. The project comprises two parts, The Georgian Encyclopedia and The Georgian Alphabet. The presentation of these tomes has been an important event in Georgian society.
Tamaz Gamkrelidze the President of the Georgian Academy of Science, emphasized the importance of the two publications, expressing his great pleasure at being the part of such a unique event. Elene Machavariani, the author of The Georgian Alphabet, admitted that it was her great love for the Georgian Alphabet that inspired her to write the book.
“My special attitude to the Georgian language started when I first stepped into the Institute of Georgian National Manuscripts. The books have been designed for those who want to become more familiar with the modern Georgian alphabet and study old Georgian writing as well. I want to mention Zurab Abashidze’s special work in editing this wonderful book and thank all the participating organizations for their support in creating the manuscript.”
Zurab Abashidze and his Editorial Group have dedicated the books to Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II.