Ruling party proposes new law on funding political parties
By Mzia Kupunia
Tuesday, December 30

The non-Parliamentary opposition says that the discussion of the proposal at the Anti Crisis Council is just a “game.” The leader of Industry will Save Georgia, Zurab Tkemaladze, said he had left the Council session as a sign of protest as “this is already the fifth session” to discuss the amendments and “every time new options are being discussed,” Tkemaladze said.
Meanwhile the Government has unveiled draft amendments to the Georgian Constitution which, according to state officials, decrease the power of the President. Under the draft amendments the President would be able to dissolve Parliament only once during his Presidential term, and the Parliamentary minority would be able to start procedures to dismiss the Cabinet.
The draft amendments say that the President would have to call a nationwide referendum to dissolve Parliament for a second time during his term of office, and if voters refuse to endorse the President’s initiative to dissolve Parliament snap Presidential elections will be held, the draft reads.
Before being voted on in Parliament, the draft amendments will be the subject of public discussion for a month, as demanded by the Georgian Constitution.