Tumanishvili theatre surprises again
By Messenger Staff
Thursday, March 12

The studio has performed Diary of a Dress, written by Georgian playwright Tamara Bartaia and starring Tamara Bziava, in English. The play was directed by Hillary Wood and was given a four star rating at the Edinburgh Festival in summer 2007.
The play tells the story of a luxurious French-designed evening dress bought in Moscow by a Georgian girl which stayed with her for 20 long years full of joy, love, frustration, war, death and childbirth. The story of the dress has a happy ending, as it is passed into the hands of a representative of the next generation, which fills the spectator with optimism and hope. It is a one act solo play and Tamara Bziava brings a sparkling glamour to her acting. Her most impressive performance was masterly and skillfully constructed. You see it and you believe it.
The performance was in aid of the First Steps charity fund, which takes care of children with limited physical and mental abilities. This organization is run by the widow of late PM Zurab Zhvania, Nino Zhvania.
A French cafe called Le’ Kulis, designed and owned by Guga Kotetishvili, was opened in the foyer of the theatre especially for this performance. Representatives of the diplomatic corps attended the performance, enjoying every bit of it.