ICC Georgia profile
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, March 24

Today ICC-Georgia unites more than a hundred leading companies and business associations within Georgia. A dynamic and energetic business organization, it represents a wide array of business sectors and backgrounds.
The underlying mission of ICC-Georgia is to promote trade and investment and establish permanent dialogue with the Government and other stakeholders in the economy. It believes that such interaction is crucial to ensure a business-friendly environment, therefore ICC-Georgia's primary objective is to voice the views of the local business community in order to effect changes in policy.
ICC-Georgia regularly organizes discussion forums and high profile meetings and works extensively on commissions for the drafting of legislation pertaining to business, the economy and finance. It organizes meetings with senior officials and politicians, both members of the authorities and opposition representatives.
ICC’s reaction to Russia’s aggression was very prompt and brave. It held a press conference at the Igoeti checkpoint on August 19, requesting the immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces.
ICC-Georgia Commissions: Arbitration Commission, Investment Commission, Business and Society Commission, Tax Commission, Customs, Trade and Transportation Commission, HR Commission, Events and PR Commission, Tourism Commission, SME Commission
ICC-Georgia Plans for 2009 are to facilitate business between members and other ICC national committees abroad, establish the ICC Court of Arbitration and maintain the dialogue between business and Government.
Recently ICC Georgia held its General Assembly. Here are some photos from the event.