UNDP helps Georgian professionals
By Messenger Staff
Friday, May 29

At a cost of about USD 8,000, UNDP has donated 100 kits of eye protectors, hand gloves and special uniforms which are needed when conserving and recycling harmful refrigerants that damage the environment by depleting the stratospheric ozone layer. UNDP has also funded study tours to Germany for the best three graduates of the centres’ training programmes – one from each centre.
Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Inita Paulovica and Deputy Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Alex Machavariani visited the Speqtri in training centre Tbilisi yesterday to hand over the equipment and congratulate the first graduates of the training course.
“The areas of refrigeration and air conditioning are the biggest consumers of ozone-depleting substances. Qualified service professionals, the tools they use and the training they get are central to reducing such consumption and controlling damaging emissions,” Machavariani said at the centre.
As a party to the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol (1996), Georgia is responsible for taking necessary measures to protect the ozone layer and comply with the phase-out schedules for various ozone-depleting substances. UNDP works closely with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources to assist Georgia in meeting this international commitment. Support for quality training for refrigeration service specialists is part of this assistance.
“UNDP is supporting various vocational education programmes in 14 centres across Georgia. We believe that this is one of the ways to reduce unemployment and help people explore new opportunities,” Inita Paulovica said. “With this initiative for refrigeration professionals, we can also achieve other goals, such as better environmental protection,” she added.
UNDP has been supporting vocational education for refrigeration and air conditioning service professionals since 2008. UNDP has donated specialised equipment to the training centres and assisted in adapting and launching new training programmes.