Georgian Judges, Court Chairmen and Heads of Chancelleries gain British experience
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, October 13

Having huge experience of managing governance projects the British Council gladly started implementing this programme in July 2009. It has been really effective and greatly appreciated by the Georgian authorities, one reason for this being that all the initial plans and steps to be taken are agreed with the Supreme Court and the training courses are based on the real needs of the relevant institutions.
On 8-10 October the High School of Justice hosted the training course on Modern Management Techniques. Course trainers Alan Bean and Bob Clark trained the participants in the processes which would help each court in Georgia work according to the agreed modern standards. Course participants also discussed professional business management and modern employment and personnel assessment procedures. Vital importance was given to instilling the practical skills for maintaining a successful, standard and transparent procedure of managing human resources. Certificates were awarded to the 18 Judges, Court Chairmen and Heads of Chancelleries who took part on 10 October in the High School of Justice.
The course trainer and British expert Alan Bean stated that Georgian judges and administrative staff have a great wish to make serious changes. “We found judges and administrative staff in Georgia have a great thirst for change and improvement in their system. This had made our task great deal easier!” Bean said.