Minister to hold regular public surgeries
By Messenger Staff
Thursday, August 5

The Minister made the announcement at the briefing on July 30, explaining that the aim of the initiative is to establish more open relations between the Ministry and society; the management of the Ministry should find out about the problems that bother our citizens the most. The Minister will meet every person for, on average, 10 minutes and will listen to their concerns and ideas. Moreover, she will also try to settle any problems if possible. The Minister also mentioned that the meetings won’t be promotional, they will be held regularly; she believes that eye to eye conversations may help settle many problems that trouble society. Trends in several branches of our economy, which will help the Ministry to focus on specific problems, have also emerged.
The Minister will start meeting the citizens next Friday; the meetings will be held according to a special appointment list - everyone will have the opportunity to put their name sign on the list. If the Minister is unable to meet someone on the list, she/he will automatically be in the next week’s list.
Archil Kekelia, Deputy Minister will also hold similar meetings on Thursdays from 3pm till 5pm.