Japan pledges support to grass-roots and human security projects in Georgia
By Messenger Staff
Friday, September 17

The projects were signed as follows:
1) Project for Improvement of Georgia Red Cross Primary Health Clinic in Gardabani City (Recipient: Georgia Red Cross Society / Amount: 72,354USD);
2) Project for Reinforcement of Alazani River Bank in the Akhmeta District (Recipient: “Kakheti” / Amount: 87,171USD);
3) Project for Establishment of Agricultural Products Storage and Packing Centre in Tokhliauri Village of the Sagarejo District (Recipient: Agro-Technology Association / Amount: 84,392USD);
4) Project for Rehabilitation of Poti Kindergarten No.3 (Recipient: Self-Governed Poti Pre-School Educational Association / Amount: 92,001USD).
The Ceremony was attended by H.E. Mr. Masayoshi Kamohara, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Georgia, and representatives of the Georgian Ministries involved in the projects.
“I am sure that all of these projects will prove beneficial for various areas of the Georgian society. Notably in terms of public health, protection of the environment, agriculture and education, and would help to improve the living standards of the Georgian people. I would also like to use this opportunity to thank the staff of all four recipient organizations for their hard efforts in preparing these projects and helping to realize this important opportunity,” Ambassador stated.
The “Grant Assistance for Grass-roots and Human Security Projects” (GGP) provides assistance to relatively small projects implemented by municipalities, medical and academic institutions, as well as NGOs and aims at improving the living standards of Georgian people. It applies to projects in the field of public health, medicine, education, social protection and environment, as well as poverty reduction. Since 1998, ninety eight GGP projects have been implemented in Georgia totaling 7,323,272 USD.
The size of Japan’s Official Development Assistance to Georgia has reached over 361 million USD, covering a wide spectrum of areas such as improvement of economic infrastructure, agricultural and social sectors, culture and human resource development.