Tuyap in Georgia
Friday, October 29

In recent years there has been a representative in Georgia of the Caucasus affiliation of one of the most successful Turkish exhibition centres, Tuyap. We had the chance to interview the head of the representation Mr. Olcay Bildik.
Q: Would you please introduce us to the main aspects of your activities in Georgia?
A: At Tuyap Istanbul exhibition centre we display products coming from our country as well as other countries’ worldwide. Thousand exhibitions are organized every year. Among the participants there are some small as well as well known companies having solid image. The exhibitions generally attract people from all around the world as well as Turkish visitors. It is significant that many professionals also participate in the exhibitions. Different types of seminars, presentations, topical roundtables are held.
Talking about our activity in Georgia we should mention that we cooperate here with the trade industrial chamber of Georgia, with the head of the land owners in Georgia, Georgian business federation, Georgian employers association and with the industrial chamber of Turkey in Georgia. We invite all the Georgian entrepreneurs to Turkey for the participation in exhibitions. Tuyap office has been functioning in Georgia since 2003 and for the last 4 years it has become the central office in Caucasus and central Asian countries. More than 8 000 representatives of Georgian companies and business community were invited to Turkey. We were covering their travel costs and accommodation services. For the last four years the companies have been covering their expenses, whereas their accommodation is still covered by us.
Q: Could you specify what kind of services you provide?
Since 1995 we have been active in Turkey and other countries organizing exhibitions of a specific type covering one segment of the economy and the participants were limited in number. But the economic and business environment has been developed. For the last 10 years we have implemented special types of exhibitions concentrated on different segments of economy. If we hold an exhibition on the construction sector in Turkey, we invite visitors active in this field from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan etc. so that during the Istanbul exhibition the international contacts for cooperation can be made, as we invite representatives of different companies from around the world.
Q: what kind of partner relationship do you have with Caucasus and European countries and what are the criteria of such relations?
A: Besides Georgia, we cooperate with the Azerbaijani employers association and Turkish trade chamber representation. While organizing exhibition, covering the agricultural sector, we contacted the ministry of agriculture and other appropriate organizations. In Turkey all the exhibitions are supported by the Turkish government. We have close contacts with our embassies abroad through which we connect with local trade industrial chambers and communicate with them. From their side the organizations possibly take two hour activities. The similar exhibitions which are held around the world are connected with us. So, all the possible marketing connections have the appropriate options to realize. At the exhibition a whole range of changes could be noticed in terms of the development of the market as well as future prospects.
In Georgia we conduct three times a year exhibitions of construction production, food staff and furniture and wood processing machinery. Since 2003 when we established organization in Georgia we have been operating for all sectors in the economy. Our exhibitions are held in expo Georgia exhibition centre. In 2004 when the bridges were exploded in Adjara and there was an unstable situation in the country we were still holding the exhibition. It was a difficult period but we stayed here, achieving high standards.
Q: How beneficial is the business environment in Georgia currently?
The situation is very good. Some time ago your country was dependent on the Russian market, also it depended on Turkish imports as well, however today Georgia is developing its industry. If some years ago Georgia was importing furniture from Turkey, today Georgia is buying machinery for that and making its own furniture. This sector of industry has developed in your country. Today Georgia is able to process its own timber and makes furniture and this is the guarantee for success.
Q: You mentioned the construction business, with which companies were you collaborating?
We invite practically all big and small construction companies to our exhibitions, such as Center Point, Axis and etc. We try to interest all companies in cooperating with us. This is a big advertisement for them, when they are promoted to an international market and it is the quickest way to achieve this goal. We prefer that they manage to promote themselves with our assistance. This is our major target. That is why we invite such companies’ representatives to our exhibitions, taking their expenses. In Tbilisi every year Expo Georgia hosts the Caucasus building exhibition where we invite the leading Turkish companies and hope to conduct this exhibition as successfully as always this time as well.
Both sides, either Georgian or Turkish, were happy and satisfied with the level of cooperation. We are doing our best to promote the construction business in Georgia.
Q: You also are involved in agricultural and food products, is not it?
This time we are interested in Georgian alcoholic beverages which are known worldwide. However we know that not using the Russian market creates problems for Georgian wines. It is looking for new markets and alternative ways. We think that there are strategically interesting places in Turkey for selling wines, for instance Antalya. Many local brands of wine have been participating in our exhibitions and we are preparing to invite more this time. We hope that Turkish taxation tariffs will be compatible and Georgian wine will enter the Turkish market in serious quantities.
Q: How successful is the exhibition Agro+Food+Drink+Tech?
Agro+Food+Drink+Tech is a developing exhibition, with a mix of different branches, which stimulates success, development and progress. This year the exhibition will be held on 3-6 November at Expo Georgia exhibition pavilions. We are inviting all Georgian companies involved in this sector. Turkish businesses are always ready to cooperate with Georgian companies. Many Georgian and Turkish companies have established a deep collaboration and we attribute this to our efficient work.
Q: How would you assess last year’s exhibitions, in particular the wood processing and furniture producing industry?
Last year, in December, the first huge furniture exhibition was held. From Turkey, 18 participant leader companies were invited and the exhibition was very successful. Georgia is in the stage of developing its furniture industry. As we have mentioned, there is a demand for producing furniture in Georgia and therefore special machinery is needed. We facilitate such companies providing them with necessary items, every year in Istanbul there is held a furniture producing exhibition INTERMOB and Georgian companies are always invited to this exhibition. In 2009 we have opened a special exhibition Int’ Furniture. We are sure that this exhibition held on December 8-10 will be even more successful.