Rugby Union celebrates its achievements
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, December 28

Acting rugby players and veterans gathered last Saturday to receive awards for different achievements. Medals and awards were given to the recipients of gold, silver and bronze medals during the 2010 Georgian national championship. The winner was Tbilisi Locomotive, Tbilisi Lelo took silver and bronze went to Wissol Qochebi. The awards were given to the players who composed the symbolic national team. The players were: no.15 Besik Khamashuridze, no. 14 Irakli Gegenava , no. 13 Irakli Chkhikvadze, no. 12 Gocha Khonelidze, no. 11 Lekso Gugava, no. 10 Boris Kvinikhidze, no. 9 Irakli ghvinjilia, no. 8 Zviad Maisuradze, no.7 Viktor Kolelishvili, no.6 Givi Berishvili, no.5 Mikheil Archuashvili and Gela Shalamberidze, no. 4 Lasha Azaladze, no. 3 Mikheil Sujashvili, no.2 Jaba Bregvadze, and no.1 David Gasviani.
An award was given to the team Academia who was the most disciplined during the national championship. Awards were given to best player on the ground Mikheil Archuashvili and the best scorer Boris Kvinikadze. Temur Bendiashvili was nominated as best coach. Besarion Khamashuridze from Kutaisi AIA was named as the best player for the 2010 season. A special prize for the best rugby player from Georgia for 2010 was awarded to Davit Zirakashvili, who currently plays in France. He was also declared as the best Georgian sportsman of the year.
At the end of the ceremony a special tribute was paid to veteran rugby players of Georgia, some of them are now 60 and 70 years old. These men are responsible for the birth of Georgian rugby which began some 45 years ago.
As a president of the Georgian Rugby Union Gia Nizharadze told The Messenger this is a tradition established some years ago and is meant to publicly celebrate the achievements of rugby in Georgia and is tradition that will continue.