The Ministry will provide guardianship to Mestia Orphanage
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, January 4

At the first stage of the project, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Vera Kobalia personally visited the orphanage and gave them the items that are most necessary: warm clothes (gathered by the employees of the Ministry), tableware, electric and gas heaters, generator. They were also given hygienic necessities (property transferred into state ownership donated by “Service Agency”).
The orphans also received shoes, clothes, curtains, Christmas Trees, toys and other items as presents (property transferred into state ownership donated by “Service Agency”).
Director of the orphanage, Tamar Nakani took the minister for a tour around the orphanage and aiding facilities and gave her an overview of the current situation.
The next stage of the project is to build a library, since the previous library burned in a fire and was considered as a second priority. Books will be gathered both in the Ministry and in coordination with different publishers.
“This won’t be a one-time event; our ministry will continue aiding the orphanage in different ways in the future. Several events are planned in the framework of the project; their aim is to get the orphans to participate in different cultural events” – Vera Kobalia noted.
There are twenty-six orphans in the orphanage at this point. Their age varies from 6 to 18 years. The Ministry will help the beneficiaries of the orphanage who reach the age of 18 to find jobs, which is also part of the project.