Georgian Language Standard to help foreigners and Georgians abroad
By Salome Modebadze
Friday, March 18

The standard of Georgian as a foreign language is designed for teachers, methodologists, educational program and textbook authors, educational literature publishers and editors as well as self learners and for the people who are involved in teaching/learning process of Georgian as a foreign language both within and outside our country. The mobile program covers different topics of Georgian language. It makes it easier for the user to analyze the grammar rules and use them in oral or written texts. Overall, the program is oriented on unification of the educational process by developing the main language skills like speaking, writing, listening and reading, necessary for the everyday life and business relations.
The first working meeting of the committee was held at the Ministry on March 17. The commission will continue working on the manual. They will further ensure English translations to the Georgian words so that people interested in learning Georgian as a foreign language will find it easier to read and write the words properly. Additionally, the listening tabs to the vocabulary part will help the user master the pronunciation as well as practice their knowledge through electronic tests.
The electronic version of the standard of Georgian as a second language was analyzed at the first working meeting at the MES. As the Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin told the media the project will be an important encouragement for Azerbaijan and Armenian etnithity schoolchildren to improve their knowledge of Georgian. Moreover the new manuals will also be sent to Georgian schools abroad and help them to perfect their home language.
Deputy Chairman of Education, Science and Culture Committee and co-founder of the Dedaena Society (established in Georgia to protect and promote the Georgian language) Professor Tamaz Kvachantiradze welcomed the initiative. “It’s wonderful if anyone decides to learn our language so it's important to have a good manual for those interested,” Kvachantiradze told The Messenger.
Explaining that “such specific activities need relevant professionals” the Professor stressed that “not every philologist can deal with the responsibility.” “I think only professionals, experienced in such projects should work on the standards, because it’s not enough to be good at languages but also to have the skills necessary for covering the technical issues,” he told us stressing the importance of teaching Georgian to foreigners.