ProCredit Bank Georgia annual report
By Messenger Staff
Wednesday, April 20

ProCredit bank Georgia held a press conference where it reported the bank’s performance in 2010. As general manager of Bank Maya Meredova informed journalists, this was another successful year for ProCredit Bank Georgia. The bank maintained its strong position in the market, providing banking services to businesses in the private sector. ProCredit bank loans' portfolio recorded gradual growth. The total amount of customers increased significantly, demonstrating the trust of the population. The Bank introduced the concept of offering clients fast and efficient services and also established a business adviser service. The Bank maintained the practice of employing and training professional staff for providing high quality services for clients. At the end of 2010 ProCredit bank initiated a transparency campaigned for increasing the awareness of the Georgian population about banking servicing. A new headquarters of the bank is being constructed. Overall, 2010 was another successful year for ProCredit Bank.
ProCredit bank operates in eleven countries in Eastern Europe, 7 countries in Latin America and 3 countries in Africa.