The Military parade held on Rustaveli Avenue
By Messenger Staff
Friday, May 27

The marching of the land forces of the Georgian army and the aviation began after the president`s speech. The ceremony included a novelty - for the first time in the history of Georgia, the graduates of the Defense Academy took an oath publicly. There was one woman among the 53 officers.
Moving of the technique began with new Georgian armored vehicle “Didgori”. This is one of the most important inovations not only for parade but for Georgian Armed Forces as well!
During designing the new reconnaissance vehicle "Didgori" the producers had foreseen international military-industrial experience. The vehicle is produced in Georgia, particularly in armored vehicles factory which is managed by Ministry of Defence of Georgia. It is tested by international standards.
The military parade was opened by the column of standard-bearers led by the Deputy-Chief-of-Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces, Col. Arsen Tsukhishvili. The military personnel were carrying the flags of the Georgian state and various services of the Georgian Armed Forces.
The column was manned with the personnel of the ceremonial company.
The standard-bearers were followed by the students of the Cadets Military Lyceum, who took part in the military parade for the first time.
Cadets Military Lyceum started functioning in the beginning of the current academic year (September 13, 2010). The educational institution was solemnly unveiled by the President of Georgia. The idea of reestablishment of the Cadets Lyceum belongs to Mikheil Saakashvili himself. The institution seized functioning for several years with the initiative of the former defence minister Irakli Okruashvili. Right now the Cadets Military Lyceum has 297 students. It fully complies with the international standards. The cadets enjoy free medical service, adequate nutrition, various kinds of uniforms, school inventory. Along with the general educational program they are intensively familiarizing with the military life and undergo physical preparation.
Before the beginning of the army, president Saakashvili awarded 13 people with the Presidential Orders of Brilliance; three military servicemen were awarded with the Vakhtang Gorgasali 3rd Rank Orders.