Multi-talented musician dazzles Rustaveli crowd
By Salome Modebadze
Friday, June 3

“This is one of the most important evenings in my life because today I will share my music with the public for the first time,” Bolkvadze told The Messenger expressing his gratitude towards Nikoloz Rurua Minister of Culture and Monument Protection for his great support and Manana Beridze Director of Events and Regional Coordination Department of the Ministry for her great encouragement. Marina Beridze welcomed the “cultural policy” of Georgia and welcomed the Ministry’s support towards the young gifted musicians. “Everyone knows how important it is for me to find talented youth and present their music to the public,” Beridze told us.
Inspired with the verse “And the Road Goes” by the late writer Otar Chiladze, the young musician enchanted the audience with the music of various Georgian writers’ poetry and foreign soundtracks. Recollecting how happy he had felt when he found out that he was in love for the first time, Bolkvadze dedicated a love song to his wife and tried to prove his great devotion from the Rustaveli Theatre stage.
Special songs were also dedicated to his late friend, his homeland and much beloved nation and Bolkvadze received great applause and all the best wishes from the whole crowd. Spectators of all ages equally enjoyed the concert. The final chord was so unexpected for the public that the modern jazz interpretation of the Adjarian lullaby dedicated to his grandmother had a really thrilling affect on the entire hall.
The winner of Geo Star musical competition Oto Nemsadze had not listened to Bolkvadze’s music before. “Unfortunately I didn’t have such an opportunity but today I got a musical shock and I’m sure his music will have great success,” he told us. Neka Sebiskveradze Deputy Director of Tbilisi City Hall’s of Social Services and Culture Department first met Bolkvadze five years ago. Enchanted with his lovely music Sebiskveradze spoke of Zviad as a real discovery who deserves great attention and care.