Show called “Georgia Comes to you” has started
Friday, June 17

Coinciding with the start of the summer tourism season, Georgian days will be held at the target markets of five countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania.) A photo exhibition concerning Georgian tourism potential and Georgian souvenirs and crafts, a concert of Georgian modern and folk music, tasting of Georgian wine and dishes will be held in the framework of the event. The event is mobile and has the nature of a carnival. The aim is to popularize Georgian resorts, culture, and traditions in the target markets and increase the flow of tourists to our country.
The planned events will be held in the central parks and squares of the target countries where photo exhibitions will be held, flyers and other advertising material prepared by the GNTA will be disseminated. Concerts will also be held in the evenings, where Georgian musicians will perform alongside local groups. The concert scene will be decorated with the logos of the event.
The project also foresees the involvement of famous people and Georgian Diaspora in order to popularize our products. The tour will last for 1-2 days (Friday & Saturday) in the capital cities of each country. “Altervision Group” is the co-organizer of the event.