Saakashvili delighted with results of American wheat harvest
By Messenger Staff
Wednesday, July 27

"The harvest of wheat has been increased two times in Georgia this year, we have reached the aim that we would cover 35% of our wheat demand," the President stated and mentioned that there will be no uncultivated lands in Georgia by 2015, "I have stated that out Government is agrarian Government, there is nothing more important than feeding our people. For this reason, we must use the best materials, best techniques and get the maximum from each field." Saakashvili stated.
The Minister of Agriculture has also stated that compared to previous years there was a very serious increase in wheat harvest this year and that the Ministry of Agriculture will closely assist the farmers, especially in techniques and fertilization.
The farmers expressed their satisfaction regarding the wheat harvest and said that the breed have solved several problems for them. As they mentioned now they are less dependent on the weather and the environment as that American bread wheat has a very high productivity. They expressed just one appeal towards the authorities, to be more helpful regarding fertilization.