Didgori Battle of 1121 remembered
By Messenger Staff
Monday, August 15

The victory at Didgori inaugurated medieval Georgia’s "Golden Age" and is celebrated in the Georgian chronicles as a "miraculous victory". Wishing the future generations to have similar bright events like Didgoroba, the Parliamentary Chairman attended various theatric performances where the actors of Rustaveli and Griboedovi Theatres re-enacted scenes from the life of the great King Davit and his address to the army before the Didgori Battle.
The visitors had a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the poetry of Georgian authors, listen to Georgian musicians and buy hand-made souvenirs. Georgian traditional cuisine attracted wowed the guests and received great applause among the tourists who happily tried different dishes at special pavilions while watching horse-racing, wrestling and arm-wrestling. Governor of Kvemo Kartli Davit Kirkitadze wished everyone peace and victory, while Levan Vepkhvadze MP from the Christian-Democratic Movement (CDM) hoped that the diplomatic wars Georgia is having nowadays would have a successful outcome for our country.