Mystery surrounds future of Georgian Water and Power (GWP)
By Messenger Staff
Wednesday, August 17

According to Zurab Abashidze [who is also the Vice Speaker of Tbilisi City Council] one of the Georgian banks plans to buy the right to distribute “Tbilisi Water.” Claiming that they would not interfere in the private company’s activities Abashidze only worried that such a deal may increase the water tariffs for citizens.
Georgian Water and Power is the leading company in the water supply market of Georgia and South Caucasus. The company delivers drinking water to Tbilisi and its surrounding area and provides wastewater services to the capital serving about 400 000 customers throughout the city. NGO Green Alternative worried of the “ecological sustainability and the quality of water”. The organization had been asking the Georgian Government for public access on the deal with Multiplex Energy Limited which has attempted to buy 100% of shares of “Tbilisi Water” but in vain.
Talking of the vague situation around the issue Nino Gujaraidze Executive Director of Green Alternative wondered why the company is keeping the water-related information a secret. The Labour Party doubted that “GWP is planning another big deal with the Government’s engagement.” “Multiplex Energy Limited has sold the property to a Russian company but Saakashvili-Ugulava’s tandem is now trying to resell it again,” Paata Jibladze member of the party stated.
No comments have been made by GWP on this issue but the employees were simply informed about the sale without detailed explanation. “Tbilisi City Hall would discuss the letter of Free Democrats and the details about the water-related issue would become publicly available in a couple of days,” Press Service of the Mayor told The Messenger.