Gigi Tsreteli met with the UNICEF representative in Georgia Roeland Monasch
Friday, November 18

At the meeting the sides discussed the forth regular report about the implementation of Convention on Children’s Rights in Georgia that was prepared by the UNICEF with active cooperation of Georgian Government.
The report covers the data on children’s poverty, pre-school education, Administration of justice for juveniles, Mothers and Child’s health care and other important issues. The results, achieved recently by Georgia in the field of children’s benefits.
It should be stressed that in the recent years Government of Georgia made a great emphasis on reforms of children’s issue. The Governmental Action Plan for Children in 2008-2011 gave direction to the process of the reforms in this domain. The Parliament of Georgia also facilitated the process. In the frame of the early age children alliance was fostered formation of the modern, integrated approach. Despite this there are still challenges to be settled in the nearest 4 years so that for 2015 to achieve MDG.
At the end of the meeting was planned the official presentation of updated data on children’s situation in Georgia.