Japan Provides Funds to Protect Elderly in Rustavi
Tuesday, November 29

On November 28 a signing ceremony for the Project for the Improvement of the Care Centre for the Elderly in Rustavi within the framework of the “Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects” – abbreviated as GGP - was held at the Official Residence of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Georgia. The ceremony was attended by H.E. Mr. Masayoshi Kamohara, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Georgia, representatives of the Georgian ministries and Rustavi related to the project as well as members of related organizations. The grant contract for the above-mentioned project will be concluded between the Embassy of Japan and the Georgian NGO, Civil Development Agency. The project aims at the improvement of the social environment for the elderly in Rustavi through renovating the Care Centre for the Elderly. It is expected that about 2,100 elderly people in Rustavi will benefit from the project. The budget of this project is USD 105,105. The GGP provides assistance to relatively small projects implemented by municipalities, medical institutions, as well as NGOs and aims at improving the living standards of Georgian people. It applies to projects in the field of public health, education, social protection, environment and poverty reduction. Since 1998, one hundred and six GGP projects have been implemented in Georgia totaling 8,631,344 USD. The size of Japan’s Official Development Assistance to Georgia has reached over 362 million USD, covering a wide spectrum of areas such as improvement of economic infrastructure, agricultural and social sectors, culture and human resource development.