EC supports S. Caucasus to strengthen capacities in cultural sector
By Messenger Staff
Monday, March 19

This project is financed by the European Commission under the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme covering the six countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). The Eastern Partnership Culture Programme contributes to the increasing of the role of culture as a vector for sustainable social and economic development of the countries and the Eastern Partnership and promotes regional cooperation among public and private actors in the field of culture. The Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, with a total budget of ˆ12 million, acts on the implementation of its objectives through financing up to 80% of the budgets of 15 regional culture projects and by providing capacity building to culture actors from national/local authorities and civil society institutions through its Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit (RMCBU).
Georgian Arts and Culture Center, grant winner from Georgia, in cooperation with the partners from Armenia – Arkanel LLC, Azerbaijan – EcosFera and Georgia – Europe House, Economic Policy Agency at Tbilisi City Hall and Georgian National Tourism Agency, will be implementing two year project that unites several components, including the creation of an informational archive of traditional crafts in South Caucasus countries, as well as sharing of international standards (such as UNESCO or EUROSTAT) and professional training.
“Strengthening Creative industries in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia: Heritage Crafts – Common Platform for Development” project presentation will be held on March 22, at the National Library Conference Hall in Tbilisi.