Ambassador Norland Meets Minister Gogaladze
Wednesday, January 16
On January 14, Ambassador Richard Norland met Minister of Environment Khatuna Gogaladze. Ambassador Norland reaffirmed the U.S.’s commitment to close collaboration with Georgia on environmental issues. “Economic growth, tourism, agriculture, and clean energy generation, all depend on the sound management of Georgia’s natural resources. We want to partner with you to address difficult environmental threats such as climate change. We hope to continue our strong communication and coordination to ensure Georgia’s natural resources are protected and serve to benefit all Georgians,” Ambassador Norland said.
The U.S. Ambassador congratulated Minister Gogaladze on signing the MOU regarding the Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS). Georgia is one of 20 countries selected by the U.S. Government to receive LEDS, which is a U.S. Government initiative to support developing countries’ efforts to pursue long-term, transformative development and accelerate sustainable, climate-resilient economic growth while slowing the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.
(US Embassy to Georgia)