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Wednesday, May 29, 2013, #101 (2870)

Concern over installation of fences in Ditsi

Russia is acting according to its own plan and Georgian government cannot be blamed for the relocation of the occupation border in Village Ditsi, ... (more)

USAID and MRA promote sustainability of IDP housing

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director, Stephen Haykin, ... (more)

Individuals with dual citizenship might be allowed on highest posts


The News in Brief

"Prime Minister to pay visit to Israel" (more)


Unity of National Movement in question

The unity of the oppositional United National Movement (UNM) is in question. (more)

Press Scanner

"Fruits become expensive after hail in Kakheti" (more)

Do you think individuals with dual citizenship should be allowed to hold high government positions?
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