Meeting with non-governmental organizations
Thursday, Febraury 6

“This is the most important law, that will regulate Georgia`s defense system and defense planning, as well as define the rights and obligations of parliament, government and the President of Georgia in the defense area. We have received very important and valuable recommendations from the NGOs which I think will be maximally taken into consideration. MoD carries on an inclusive process while working on such important laws and strategic documents,” said Mikheil Darchiashvili. As Deputy Minister Tamar Karosanidze outlined, MoD attributes a great importance to holding discussions with NGOs: “We receive very necessary and interesting recommendations from them on how to better regulate defense sector and to carry out reforms in the MoD”. Draft Law on “theDefense of Georgia” was developed by the work group elaborating legislative changes in the MoD, which was created under the Order of Minister of Defense. After holding discussions at the Government session, the Draft Law will be submitted to the Parliament of Georgia.