Car export from Georgia to Azerbaijan continue to decline
Monday, April

Throughout this period, the specific weight of commodities belonging to this category stood at 49.15% within the total volume of Georgian exports to Azerbaijan, GeoStat said.
As compared with the same period of last year, the exports of cars from Georgia fell to 24.5%.
By comparison, 5,760 cars worth $48.56 million were exported from Georgia to Azerbaijan in January-February 2013.
A decrease in car supplies to Azerbaijan is due to the country's transition to the environmental standard of Euro-4. Implementation of this standard will start from April 1, 2014. Introduction of the Euro-4 significantly restricts the imports of used cars which constitute a large part of car imports from Georgia to Azerbaijan.
During the reporting period, some 610 trucks worth $3.92 million were exported to Azerbaijan. This figure is 2 percent or 130 cars more than in January-February, 2013. For comparison, 480 trucks worth $3.84 million were exported from Georgia to Azerbaijan in January-February, 2013.
Cars are delivered to Georgia from abroad.
Goods worth $74.53 million were exported from Georgia to Azerbaijan in January-February, 2014. This figure constitutes 24.3 percent of total exports made by the country during the reporting period. Exports to Azerbaijan decreased by 14.4 percent compared to the same period last year.
For a comparison, in January-February, 2013 Azerbaijan exported Georgian goods worth $87 million.
Azerbaijan retains second place on the list of Georgia's largest trade partners. Georgian exports to Azerbaijan include vehicles, cattle in live weight, iron reinforcements, cement, mineral water, glass and glass products and medicines.
Azerbaijan's exports to Georgia include oil and petroleum products, natural gas, trucks and construction materials.