23rd Battalion arrives in Afghanistan to serve in ISAF mission
Thursday, April 17

Before the transfer of authority, concluding trainings under the guidance of Georgian and USMC instructors will be organized for the personnel of the 23rd Battalion. Georgian soldiers will undergo trainings in areas such as counter actions against improvised explosive devices, drugs, religious characteristics, use of navigation reduction systems, safety and rules of engagement. Besides, Georgian Battalion drivers go through additional trainings how to exploit armored vehicle MRAP equipped with the so called “Mine-roller”.
Before deployment in NATO led ISAF operation, the Georgian unit underwent 6 month-long pre-deployment intensive trainings at “National Training Centre Krtsanisi”. Battalion was prepared for full spectrum of operations against insurgents. The military servicemen were practiced in leading protection, searching, cordon and convoy operations, studied evacuation methods and learned the peculiarities of communication with the local population. The 23rd battalion was also trained in the Joint Multinational Readiness Centre (JMRC) in the German city of Hohenfels. The Centre’s experts and Marine Forces Advisory Group members positively assessed the preparedness level of the Georgian soldiers.