Independence Day of Georgia
Thursday, April 29

The event was opened with an air composition. Three Iroquois helicopters carried out a flight over the area and unfolded the State Flag. The march past of Honor Guard and flash-mob of state flags were also held at the Freedom Square.
Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili and Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili congratulated the Georgian population and armed forces on the Independence Day.
Minister of Defence Irakli Alasania addressed the military servicemen: welcome to our large and strong family - the Armed Forces of Georgia. From this moment, your life is being changed radically. From now on security and peace of our country and offspring depends on you. You are the dignified protectors of our motherland. Motherland, Honor and Loyalty is the motto of our soldiers, this is a slogan that is embedded in our genetic code. All-embracing loyalty to the homeland, sacrificing their lives in defense of their country is an inborn feature of each and every Georgian. 26 May is a main holiday of our state. Georgia regained independence 96 years ago. Our country has never ceased struggle for independence. I believe that Independence Day is the personal triumph for each of you, because you are the people who stand ready to defend and maintain independence of Georgia. Our country needs peaceful development which will be achieved thanks to your bravery, courage and devotion. God will bless you and the whole of Georgia!”
The military personnel of Basic Combat Training (BCT) Course swore an oath before the God and the nation. From now on 200 recruits will continue service in the different units of GAF.
The military personnel and invited guests held a minute of silence to pay tribute to the memory of the Georgian soldiers fallen in the fight for territorial integrity of Georgia and in international missions.
Military Orchestra of National Guard together with the musical ensemble “Shvidkatsa” performed the State Anthem. A solemn event finished with the flight of Iroquois helicopters over the Freedom Square, they threw down the flyers.
Catholicos-Patriarch of all Georgia, the representatives of executive and legislative bodies, foreign defence attaches accredited to Georgia, top brass of Defence Ministry and GS as well as ordinary citizens attended the celebration of Independence Day.
To mark this day, military equipment and armament were exposed at the Freedom Square. Military technique was exhibited in 11 cities of Georgia too.
Minister of Defence of Georgia has taken a view of the pavilions arranged by the state agencies in Tbilisi, at Rustaveli avenue to mark the Independence Day. Irakli Alasnaia also visited the pavilion of Ministry of Justice. Defence Minister together with President, Minister of Justice and other high-ranking officials of executive organs signed a new archival document specially drafted for this day. Georgian National Archive acquired a seldom parchment from Vatican.
Minister of Defence came to the pavilion of Ministry of Education and Science too. Irakli Alasania awarded the winners of the competition “My Soldier”. 1st place winners Gigi Lobjanidze and Anano Kukhilava were presented with special prizes of Ministry of Defence the military watches.
Minister of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze and Deputy Minister of Justice Alexander Burchuladze awarded the school pupils who had taken II and III places. 18 pupils received certificates.
The competition was held within the framework of Memorandum of Understanding signed between Ministry of Defence , Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Justice. It was held throughout the whole Georgia. The school pupils wrote essays about the Georgian army.