Defence Minister at Marneuli Aviation Base
Thursday, April 29

Commander of the Brigade, Colonel Davit Abramishvili presented Minister with the rotary-wing fleet development plan. After the meeting, Irakli Alasania viewed aviation equipment and talked with the military personnel. Defence Minister inspected already completed and ongoing infrastructural works. An infirmary, a boiler-room, and battalion HQ are in the final stage of rehabilitation. Decoration works are also being made for the barracks. In the coming days, the area around the military bases will be refurbished too.
The visit in Marneuli Avaition Brigade finished by a training flight. “Today, together with Chief of the General Staff, we are visiting Marneuli Aviation Base. The base is being inspected. I have also taken part in a practice flight. I want to tell the Georgian society that we have quite well-prepared military pilots. We have also seen a development plan till 2020, which must be soon approved by GS. We are determined to develop our army step-by step. Our intention is not to fight against anybody. We will defend our country and nothing will stop us ; nothing will hinder development of the Georgian army”-said Irakli Alasania.