Georgian soldiers deployed in Central African Republic
Thursday, June 12

Deputy Chief of the GS of GAF COL Roman Jokhadze have seen the soldiers off to Central Africa from the international airport. He wished the Georgian military servicemen successful accomplishment of the mission and a safe return to the motherland.
The military personnel of West Operational Command were fulfilling the ISAF international operation for six months as part of the U.S. military contingent at the camp Phoenix” in Kabul. They underwent additional training for the EU mission at the National Training Centre “Krtsanisi”. Georgian troops` pre-deployment preparation included exercises in patrolling, setting up of check-pints, protection of bases and insuring security within their area of responsibility. Two French officers were engaged in the training process to share their experience with the Georgian military.
The Georgian military will fulfill the peacekeeping mission in the city of Bangi and will be tasked with insuring security and stability of the situation. The Georgian soldiers will carry out patrolling of the area in the vicinity of the airport.