Anticipating a new political party
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, June 24

Since the 2012 parliamentary elections, the Georgian Dream has lost a considerable amount of voters. Some estimate this number is over 30%. The reasons could be wide-ranging: social issues, the (lack of) restoration of justice, failure to return back taken away properties to people under the previous administration and grievances. The coalition did not fulfill its promises in this regard. People have expressed silent protest to the coalition through the elections. Analysts think that if the coalition fails again to meet their promises, there will be a serious chance the coalition will not win the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2016.
There are not many chances for the previous administration either. The UNM has also lost voters, the confidence of the electorate and access to administrative resources. The UNM leaders still believe that they will regain their foothold in the government. However, it is less likely and the local-elections have proved the undesirable consequences for the parliamentary minority.
There is no a favorable situation for the non-parliamentary opposition as well. If they fail to unite, their chances will remain insignificant.
More than 60% of voters avoid participating in the elections. In general, Georgian people are politically aware. This means that Georgian’s are quite skeptical of the political developments and parties.
Georgian voters are in search of new political figures and forces to trust. Many think that people are not fond of old political faces. New faces are required for them.