Cyber Security Seminar
Thursday, July 17

During the first day of the seminar, Estonian expert Raul Rikk presented the global challenges of the cyber security field to the participants with the video presentation. Andria Gotsiridze thanked the Estonian experts for cooperation and their contribution to development of the cyber security policy at MoD of Georgia. During two days, the Georgian and Estonian experts will discuss the international cyber space, cyber crimes, national cyber security, information warfare and various dimensions of security at individual, organizational, national and international level. They will also develop common vision and agree on future prospects of development of the cyber security sphere. Deputy Defence Minister of Estonia Taimar Peterkop will share the Estonian experience in development of defence capabilities. The seminar is organized under the aegis of the NATO-Georgia Professional Development Program, LEPL of the Defence Ministry Cyber Security Bureau and Professional Development Center of the National Defence Academy. Cyber threat is a significant challenge for the contemporary world. It assumed special importance after the cyber attack carried out against Georgia in August of 2008.