Georgia-U.S. Training CMEP
Thursday, July 17

Head of Operative Preparedness Division of J3 Operative Planning Department of General Staff of the GAF, Colonel Archil Omiadze and Program Manager of Interagency and International Programs of US Army Corps, Diane M. Acurio opened the exercise. While delivering the speech, they outlined the importance of the CMEP exercise. Head of Operative Preparedness Division, LTC Besarion Gongadze delivered a presentation on Defence Ministry’s role during emergency situations to the attendees and spoke about the aims of the CMEP. He emphasized the joint cooperation of the various governmental organizations during large-scale crises, as well as rendering assistance to civilians during natural disasters, the tasks of Defence Ministry of the Armed Forces and their engagement in crisis management.
The Georgia-U.S. exercise is held under the aegis of MoD and MIA. All other ministries, as well as state security and crisis management council is intervened in the training. U.S. National Guard supports it.
The main phase of the exercise will be held in National Guard of Georgia on operative level and field operative center located at the Tbilisi Sea. The training will be held according to the simulated scenario around Rustavi town area. According to the scenario, buildings, roads and other infrastructural facilities are damaged as a result of the earthquake. As a result of joint activities the related ministries have to liquidate damages in a very short period of time and provide security of the local population.
At the CMEP closing ceremony the participants will sum up the training process and its results. Students are also engaged in the exercise together with the representatives of the governmental organizations.