Top 10 companies in Georgia
Tuesday, October 21

The second place goes to the LTD Toyota Caucasus. It is one of the leading car producing companies in the world and is distinguished in Georgia as well.
The third is Georgia’s railway. It started functioning in 1872.
The fourth is Wissol Petroleum Georgia; it is one of the leading business groups in Georgia, covering various fields besides energy: developer activities, commercial, supermarkets, fast food and so on.
The fifth is BP Georgia, mainly engaged with patrol and gas.
The sixth is Gulf, the company owns 140 oil stations in Georgia and its staff meets more than 1,300 individuals.
The seventh is SOCAR Georgia Gas, established through the partnership of Georgia and Azerbaijan.
The eight is Rompatrol Georgia. The company operates in 12 countries, including Georgia.
The ninth is Lukoil, one of the biggest oil and gas transnational company.
The tenth is Energy Pro Georgia, one of the major actors in the electro energy field.