Air Cairo launches direct flights to Tbilisi
Tuesday, November 4

The first flight departed from Tbilisi International Airport to Sharm-el-Sheikh on November 3.
Flights from Sharm-el-Sheikh to Tbilisi will be scheduled three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Passengers travelling between Sharm-el-Sheikh and Tbilisi will be able to fly twice a week. From January 9, 2015, this service will increase to three times per week.
Sharm-el-Sheikh is a resort area located on the southern tip of the Sanai peninsula on the Red Sea coast.
Until now there were not regular flights between Georgia and Egypt and travelers had to fly to Egypt on a charter flight.
Georgia’s Civil Aviation Agency, which is responsible for the monitoring and development aviation in the country, believed the new flight service would increase the number of travelers moving between the two countries.
Air Cairo, founded in 2003, operates passenger and freight services to more than 75 destinations in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.