Georgia’s government sets up plastic bag pollution solving plan
Tuesday, December 30

Plastic bags are used widely at all retail outlets in Georgia. Customers rarely say "no” to the plastic bags. It is appeared to be the main environmental problem of the country.
Ministry emphasized that new biodegradable bags, that are capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms will replace step by step now using plastic bags during the next 2015 year.
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Teimuraz Murgulia met the local private business representatives yesterday to discuss the new ‘Waste Management Code’ which will enter into the force from January 1 2015.
The meeting was aimed to involve private business into the green environmental projects. They agreed, that from the next year plastic bags will be changed by the nature friendly biodegradable bags gradually.
Meanwhile, plastic bags have been identified as the major environmental problem. They only serve a short-term purpose of carrying goods from the shop to home, while their lifespan can last somewhere between 200 and 1000 years.