Reason for decrease in Georgia's import of Azerbaijani gas revealed
Monday, April 6

The source said that the volume of gas imported by Georgia from Azerbaijan is entirely dependent on the level of its domestic consumption in this country.
“When gas consumption in Georgia increases, the volumes of gas that this country gets from Azerbaijan grow as well,” the source said. “The decrease of this index over the past two months is due to the slight reduction of domestic gas consumption in Georgia.”
The source went on to add that Azerbaijan supplies gas to Georgia on the basis of agreements concluded with this country.
“From our side, there are no problems with the supply of gas to Georgia,” said the source.
Georgia imported 319,850 metric tons of natural gas in oil equivalent worth $67.4 million from Azerbaijan in January-February 2015, the Georgian National Statistics Service’s report said.
Azerbaijan is the main supplier of this fuel to Georgia with a share of 66.2 percent of total import volume of the country in this category.
In annual terms, the Georgian natural gas imports from Azerbaijan decreased by 17.2 percent in terms of value (48,700 metric tons decrease in quantitative terms in oil equivalent, or 13.2 percent decrease).
Azerbaijan exports its own gas to Georgia via a pipeline connecting two countries in the Gazakh region of Azerbaijan. The capacity of gas pumping through this pipeline exceeds 2.5 billion cubic meters per year.