Universities to take care of Education of Georgian Soldiers
Friday, July 31

Tinatin Khidasheli thinks that educational institutions of the Defence Ministry should actively cooperate with the universities and use their knowledge and experience. “It is very important for us to cooperate with all universities - educational institutions that grant master’s degree on military security issues and military academy that can be our important partner in terms of popularization of the army, engagement of young generation, etc. The meeting was very productive. We discussed many interesting issues including new masters programs in cooperation with the Defence Academy, courses our military personnel will be able to attend at the universities and public lectures at the military units. This cooperation should not be fragmentary. It should expand and cover full spectrum and segment in order to make our army the part of the Georgian society,” Defence Minister said.
Heads of Universities gave positive evaluation to Minister’s initiative. They are ready to cooperate with the Defence Ministry and maintain active communication. “Tinatin Khidasheli offered cooperation on various issues. Most of them are very interesting for us. As we see Defence Ministry is very enthusiastic and the attitude towards military education is very serious. Universities will hold lectures and seminars in the army. We agreed that communication will be active and get substantial results very soon,” Jony Apakidze, Rector of Sokhumi University said.
“We agreed to cooperate and shared very interesting ideas. It was very pleasant to feel readiness from Defence Minister to do many important things in defence sphere. Trainings and equipment is not enough for the military personnel. Education is also very important,” said Lela Kelbakiani, founder of Kutaisi University.