Laws without enforcement
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, August 11

Several days ago, Georgia’s mountainous region Ambrolauri hosted a positive occasion, when hundreds of locals participated in the cleaning of their own streets, gardens or squares.
It is regrettable that Georgians still need mass activities to clean the dirt caused by themselves. This bad habit is thought to have taken root from its Soviet past, when a state, or government were viewed as a “rival” you could steal from, easily pollute or so on, as existence of shared property caused dissatisfaction in many.
The previous governments took certain positive steps to eradicate this negative inheritance. They introduced new bins in the cities, towns and countryside; closed special sites inside the building for sweepings as they were source of anti-sanitary in major cases, introduced fines and so on.
Of course, in 60-70% cases the measures worked, and people were no longer throwing dust directly from their windows into the streets or yards, as when people have to live in poverty they are not happy to spend additional money on waste disposal.
However, those places, recreation zones or sights, which were beyond the active control, still faced heavy pollution that put Georgia’s image at risk as tourists have visited the areas.
The previous government could not bring the problem to the end, either the current one.
This year the Ministry of Internal Affairs planned to launch a new fine system for environmental pollution in Georgia starting on January 15, 2015 that envisaged a minimal fine for littering to be 120 Gel.
Fines are applied to the improper disposal of cigarette butts, food and any other types of refuse. In the case of private transport, the transport owner should be fined for dropping litter from his vehicle, while in the case of public transport, passengers will also be fined.
The Patrol Police Department, with the local self-governing agencies and the corresponding departments of the Ministry of Environment Protection, are responsible for fulfilling the new law.
However, it can be said that the law remained on papers as it lacks enforcement. There is such an impression as well that the government refrains from irritating people with fines prior to upcoming elections in 2016.
There are many issues the government should be very strict and reveal a very principled attitude.
Solving such problems require a well-planned campaign to initially inform the individuals concerning the presumable consequences of their actions and then enforcement of the law without exceptions.
Showing loyalty to such cases will bring no benefits for the country and people.
The process of feeling the country as a home is launched but many Georgians still fail to understand this, thus active campaigning, fines and law enforcement are still essential.
If you adopt positive laws, you should also think about genuine levers to enforce them. We need good laws which should be firmly implemented.