EU launches million-dollar project to support Georgia’s workforce
Tuesday, October 13

This week the EU launched a new twinning project that supported Georgia by strengthening the structure and capabilities of its Employment Support Services (ESS).
The project aimed to empower the ESS through the delivery of well-targeted, high-quality, gender-sensitive and cost-effective services to job seekers.
For the next 18 months experts from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Georgia will work together to develop the capacity of the Georgian Social Service Agency by taking key action involving training, offering employment services for job-seekers and employers, and promoting entrepreneurship.
The project will also contribute to the establishment of a well-functioning Labour Market Information System and a fully functional customer system of the EES, known as Worknet in Georgia.
The project will also help the country meet its obligations arising from the Association Agreement (AA) between the EU and Georgia.