Guerilla Gardening warns about future environmental catastrophes
By Messenger Staff
Tuesday, October 27

Even under the Soviet Union, local leaders paid attention to ecological issues and were engaged with the planting of thousands of trees throughout Georgia.
For years, Tbilisi was one of the cleanest cities with fresh air.
However, today the situation is dramatically different, with Georgia taking a leading position as one of the most polluted cities in the region.
Guerilla Gardening, a Tbilisi-based eco-movement concerned with the preservation and protection of Georgia’s green environment, has just appealed to Georgia’s top officials.
Based on the statement released by the organization, a substantial part of Georgia’s green coverage is at risk due to various diseases and parasites.
The movement asked the state’s local leadership to carry out relevant measures in the autumn-winter period, otherwise the number of diseases and parasites will increase and destroy other healthy trees.
Even without the organisation’s statement, it is obvious that something is wrong with Georgian woods and forests, as when one travels around Georgia it is quite clear that many of the trees are in a poor condition.
Meanwhile, Tbilisi's Mayor Davit Narmania, who was elected amongst positive hopes, has stated that an action plan on how to turn Tbilisi into an environmentally attractive city has been drafted.
He informed that the action plan covered the period up to 2020.
It is positive indeed that the action plan has been drafted; such a plan is useless without any practical implementation.
There are some diseases or parasites that require urgent measures to be annihilated and each lost minute might be fatal in this regard.
However, it seems that no one is desperate to settle the problem in a timely manner, despite the fact that this issue is of the utmost importance and concerns our health, the health of future generations and the life of the city itself.