EU offers EURO 100m to help Georgia implement Association Agreement
Monday, November 30

In particular, the Commission said the money would support the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA), signed in June 2014, and bilateral agreements on mobility.
The new package will also help Georgia meet its reform objectives in the public administration, agriculture and rural development sectors.
The EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn said the aid would help to promote an active civil society, assist key Georgian institutions to implement the AA and advance Georgia's visa liberalisation process with the EU.
"With the Association Agreement, EU-Georgia relations have moved to another level. The assistance package will support central elements in this ever closer relationship,” said Hahn, who is on an official visit to Georgia.
This European Commission’s assistance package was comprised of four actions. The funds will support:
The Public Administration Reform;
The European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia, Phase II (ENPARD II);
The Technical Cooperation Facility; and
The Civil Society Facility
The three main priorities of the current programming period (2014-2017) were the public administration reform, agriculture and rural development and justice reform.