BP resumes oil extraction at platform in Caspian
Monday, December 14

The platform’s operations were suspended on Nov. 10.
“After maintenance works, the oil extraction was resumed on the platform on Dec. 10. All the technical works were carried out successfully, and all safety rules were fully complied with,” she said.
In January-September 2015, Azerbaijan extracted 24 million tons of light oil compared to 24.2 million tons, extracted in the same period last year.
The average daily oil output at the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) block of fields stood at 640,000 barrels in the same period, while the average daily oil production at the Chirag platform stood at 54,000 barrels.
The contract for development of ACG field was signed in 1994.
The shareholders in the contract are: BP (operator of the ACG) - 35.78 percent, Chevron - 11.27 percent, Inpex - 10.96 percent, AzACG - 11.65 percent, Statoil - 8.56 percent, Exxon – eight percent, TPAO - 6.75 percent, Itocu - 4.3 percent and ONGC - 2.72 percent.