WHO and World Bank positively assess Georgia’s state healthcare program
Monday, July 25

Georgia’s Minister of Healthcare David Sergeenko has presented a report entitled Progress of the Universal Healthcare Program and the International Rating together with experts from the WHO and the World Bank.
The report revealed that Georgian citizens now have better access to healthcare services than before the launch of the progamme.
The main findings of the research were:
• State finances more medical services: 41 percent in 2012 and 95 percent in 2015;
• The share of the out-of-pocket health care cost was reduced: 65 percent in 2015 and 57 percent in 2015;
• The number of outpatient visits per person declined: 2.3 percent in 2012 and six percent in 2015;
• Hospitalisation per 100 inhabitants: 11.3 percent in 2012 and 12 percent in 2015;
• The share of public expenditure on health to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased: 1.8 percent in 2012 and three present in 2015;
• Financial protection of the target population – four percent;
• Expenditures on healthcare from the state budget also increased – five percent in 2012 and seven percent in 2015.
• The research found despite the fact that in the past three years the healthcare budget was increased two-and-a-half times it still remained low compared to other countries in Eastern Europe. It means that we should do our best to pay attention to this issue and further increase the financing of healthcare.
• Statistics showed more than 600,000 people – about 17 percent of the population – were using private corporate insurance this year in Georgia.
• This is a part of the population with high or average income and the government does not spend money on them, but directs the money to those who have low income, are socially vulnerable or require more support from the government,” said Sergeenko.
• He claimed the Government of Georgia will not make changes in the system of the Universal Healthcare Program, however will consider a number of reforms to make it more delicate.
• Universal health insurance was one of Georgian Dream coalition’s election promises in 2012. It came into force just a few months after the election, on February 28, 2013. Later in July 1 the program was expanded to also include medical services during pregnancy and treatment for cancer patients. Thanks to the Program the state-sponsored health insurance became available on massive scale.