Teachers must be more appreciated
By Messenger Staff
Monday, August 1

The PM stressed that the Government had initiated education reforms which support professions demanded by market economy, and included better offers for teachers.
However, the PM explained the reform agenda would not cause big upheavals for teachers.
“We are proposing immersive training programmes and better opportunities for current and future teachers,” the PM said.
The Prime Minister especially highlighted the merit of teachers who work in mountainous and remote regions, in party or nearly emptied areas and often in sub-standard conditions.
Although the Government announced systemic education reform, this has been a promise of every Georgian Government since the country became independent.
The previous Government also launched reforms, one success of which was the introduction of new higher education exams.
Various steps have been taken to improve the situation in the education system. However, it appeared that the steps were made in haste, without much consideration or planning.
The new education system requires a good reform plan drafted by foreign and local experts, which will not be a copy of some foreign model.
The plan should be innovative, based on current demands and fit to Georgian characteristics and the national reality.
With regards to the teachers themselves, second chances should be given to those who fail their certification exams. However, a limit should be placed on the opportunity to resit exams, as one bad teacher may influence the future of many students.
Payment also needs to be addressed; the current average salary for teachers ranges between 500-600 GEL, which is hardly a motivation for a professional individual to start his/her career at a school.