Georgia hosts fourth Kvevri Wine International Symposium
By Mariam Chanishvili
Thursday, August 31

The National Wine Agency (NWA) stated that the main goal of the event is to familiarize Georgian society and foreign specialists with the unique kvevri winemaking methodology and also to provide guests with information about Georgian wines, grape varieties and Georgian cuisine.
Kvevri wine-making takes its name from the distinctive egg-shaped earthenware vessel - the Kvevri - in which wine is fermented and stored in villages and towns throughout Georgia. The tradition plays a vital role in everyday life and celebrations, and forms an inseparable part of the cultural identity of Georgian communities.
The Georgian Wine Association, supported by the National Wine Agency of Georgia, is conducting the first "International Kvevri Wine Competition" in Georgia, in September 2017. The winner of the competition will be announced at the closing ceremony of the event on September 3.
“Participants will be able to share experiences and views on tendencies and challenges in the fields of wine and culinary,” the NWA reports.
The aims of the Competition are: to introduce the best Kvevri Wine to the world (both from Georgia & other countries), to encourage the production and consumption of Kvevri Wine, to increase awareness and different characteristics of Kvevri wines produced in different countries.
“The competition is open exclusively to kvevri wine producers from all countries and wine regions in the world. The competing wines must come from a consistent batch of at least 500 bottles and be stored with the intention of being sold,” is stated on the Georgian Wine Association webpage.
Awarded wines (best in the national and international category) will be presented by Master of Wine – Lisa Granik in the Cite du Vin, Bordeaux, during the Kvevri Wine Master class on September 17th.
The main objectives of the symposium are to educate and inform the international community about the ancient traditions and methods of wine-making using kvevris; the history of wine-making in Georgia; the variety of grapes, micro regions and wines in Georgia.
The Symposium organizers and supporters are: the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, the National Wine Agency, the Association of Georgian Wine, and His Eminence Metropolitan David of Alaverdi.
Georgia hosted the First International Symposium of Kvevri Wines in 2011. As a result of the first symposium, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) put the traditional Georgian method of ‘Kvevri winemaking’ on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage Monuments in 2013.