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Tuesday, October 17, 2017, #203 (3995)

University Metro station opens in Tbilisi

A new metro station in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, work of which was suspended for 21 years, opened yesterday. (more)

Half of toys checked deemed as harmful for children’s health

Public Defender of Georgia Ucha Nanuashvili says there are no safety regulations in the country regarding the import, production or sale of toys. (more)

Heavy rain creates problems in West Georgia


Introductory Speeches of Mayoral Candidates of Tbilisi on Imedi TV Debates


The News in Brief

"UNM mobilizes thousands against ‘oligarch’ Ivanishvili’s property takeover" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

Number of divorces reaches highest level in Georgia in 2016

The number of marriages registered in 2016 significantly reduced, while the number of divorces increased a lot compared to 2015. (more)

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