Scope Ratings assigns first corporate ratings in Georgia
Friday, April 6

Scope assigned a B+/Stable rating to JSC Nikora Trade, a food retailer with around 220 shops in Georgia, and a BB-/Stable rating to The Georgian Beer Company JSC, a brewer and supplier of soft drinks.
Scope is confident that the coverage of Nikora Trade and Georgian Beer are just the beginning of a long-term presence in Georgia and the broader region.
“Our pipeline is promising and we are optimistic that our activities in this market will continue to grow,” says Torsten Hinrichs, managing director of Scope Ratings.
The mandates from the two Georgian companies follow the addition of Scope to the list of external credit-assessment institutions accepted by the National Bank of Georgia, the country’s central bank. Debt securities of issuers rated by Scope are potentially eligible for the central bank’s monetary operations.
Scope assigned Georgia a sovereign credit rating (BB/Stable) last June as part of the expansion of its public-finance ratings across Europe and other major economies.
About Scope:
Scope is a privately-held rating agency based in Berlin, with offices in in Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan, Oslo and Paris. We specialise in the analysis and ratings of financial institutions, corporates, structured finance, project finance and public finance.
Our company is committed to steady and sustainable growth across Europe. We define ourselves by our entrepreneurial spirit, international focus and our strong commitment to best serving our institutional clients with insightful analysis and accurate ratings.
Scope Ratings is a credit rating agency registered in accordance with the EU rating regulation and operating in the European Union with ECAI status.